Saturday, January 4, 2020
The Holy Bible and Jesus Christ Essay - 900 Words
The Holy Bible is a set of scriptures that were provided to us by our Father Jesus Crist. The bible is the most important book in the history since these scriptures provide knowledge, correction and guide for the man of God to be well equipped for every good work. The bible can be found in several different versions and translations that fit a wide different set of readers. This incredible collection of religious writings begin with the Old Testament followed by the Prophets and ends with a set of writings. The first five books of the bible best known as the Old Testament best describe the story of Israel from the creation of the world to the death of Moses. The Old Testament describes a special relationship between God and his chosen†¦show more content†¦Moses became a leader and a prophet who also had a specific role to apply Gods law to the people. Moses escaped Egypt and crossed the Red Sea to arrive to Midian on the east shore of Gulf of Aqaba. While Moses was in the Midian he had an encounter with God who appeared in the form of a burning bush. God instructed Moses to go back to Egypt and release all the Israelites from slavery. After this event God sent ten plagues to Egypt to request the Pharaoh the release of the Israelites from slavery. The ten plagues were sent by God in order for the Pharaoh to repent and free the Israelite people from slavery in Egypt. After the ten plagues Moses finally led the Israelites out of Egypt trough the Red Sea where they traveled three months through the desert until they arrived to Mount Sinai. Moses knew that he could hear from God at the top of the Mount Sinai but he was the only one allowed to touch or go to the top of the mountain. On the third morning Moses decided to hear from God once again but he stayed at the top of the mountain for 40 days and 40 nights. God used this long time to give instructions to Moses on how the people of Israel should live and what laws they should obey. Gods laws and regulations included what we best know as the Ten Commandments. When the Ten Commandments were provided to Moses God also explained him that this people led out of Israel had been chosen to be made into a holyShow MoreRelatedThe Doctrine Of The Bible925 Words  | 4 PagesWhether the Bible provides us with such a absolute moral standards? If the Bible is implied from God, and its centerpiece is about human sin and God s salvation, which is not difficult to imagine must contain or through a set of absolute moral standards. Bible sin of the word means arrow not in. According to John 5:17 Day says, All unrighteousness is sin. Can see, the crime is a deviation from righteousness. That what, what is it justice? Bible distinguish two kinds of meaning, that is,Read MoreThe Holy Spirit Of Acts1321 Words  | 6 PagesUNIVERSITY THE HOLY SPIRIT IN ACTS A RESEARCH PAPER SUBMITTED TO DR. C. 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